
Bitget Exchange Info, Markets & Trading Volume.

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Exchange NameBitget
Volume (24H) $3,733,952,679.11
36,395.43 BTC
Established Year2018
Website https://www.bitget.com/
Bitget exchange 24 hours trading volume is $3,733,952,679.11 (36,395.43 BTC). Bitget is established in year 2018. This cryptocurrency exchange is located in Seychelles

Bitget known for its innovative approach is a cryptocurrency program for copy and social trading setting apart from traditional platforms for trading. Established in 2018, it has rapidly gained fame, offering individuals with a deep analysis and insights of trading tools. It also allows for following ad copying the strategies of most successful traders. This feature make Bitget standout from other exchange platforms and number 1 choice for all including expert and professional traders as well as new beginners who are looking to enhance their skills in this field.

This platform for cryptocurrency trading supports wide range of coins and famous assets such as BTC and ETC and other altcoins. This diversity enables users and applicants to discover new opportunities in the evolving and rapidly changing landscape of crypto. It provides both derivative and spot trading which makes it versatile for traders who want to increase their capitalization on long term as well as short term industry-market movements.

The element that make this platform stand out of crowd is its feature of copy trading system which enables users to use the trading strategies of best and top performing traders and investors. This feature offers a very easy way for beginners and newcomers to begin their profitability by following professional traders and investors’ strategies.

The Bitget’s top priority is security and safety. It combines with various features such as multi-factor authentication, a robust system and a cold storage for user funds for keeping sharp eye on suspicious actions. In addition, Bitget is constantly growing its offerings and features like DeFi services and staking.

# Currency Pair Price Volume (24h) Updated Trust Score
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